Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Healthy food can be delicious too

I often get odd looks from people who wonder what I'm eating. Granted, it's not everyday that you see someone eating a layered meal out of a mason or recycled glass jar. When people ask, I cheerily answer them, explaining what I'm eating in more detail than they probably care to hear and always ask "would you like to try some?" Most often I get a no, with a nervous laugh, but every once and a while I get a "sure, I'll give it a try" - brave souls.

This happened to me the other day at work. I was on my way to eat my dinner and was stopped by a coworker who wanted to know what I was eating. After going through the list of ingredients (I left out the seaweed, just in case...), I asked my question and got a yes! She got a fork and proceeded to try my concoction. She liked it! It is definitely a nice feeling, to have someone like the food you've created, especially when you don't expect them to like it. I think I need to give everyone a bit more credit. This was the dish that won her over, maybe you'll like it too. I created it out of what was in my pantry because I didn't feel like going to the store.

Layer 1:

Basic Quinoa (which I simmered with a bay leaf and julienne carrots)

Layer 2:

Garlic Sauteed Greens (I used kale, any green will do)

Layer 3:

Kidney Beans and Arame

½ cup dried arame

2 cans red kidney beans or 1 cup dried kidney beans soaked and cooked

3 tablespoons brown rice vinegar

2 teaspoons ume plum vinegar

2 tablespoons tamari

1 tablespoon fennel seeds

Soak the arame in cold water for 10 minutes. Meanwhile mix the beans, vinegars, tamari and fennel seeds in a medium size bowl. Add the arame and mix to combine. Let the bean mixture sit to absorb the flavors or serve right away.


Jen Z said...

I need to see a picture of this layered concoction in order for me to pass judgement!

Laura said...

Next time I make it, I will post it, or I'll just have to make it for you to try and you can judge your self :)